Participant got beaten up

At the end of a Fake NLP training sold as a “NLP Practitioner” a Fake NLP trainer asked her participants what they thought about her training program. One of the participants said he was very unhappy with the training program. In a reaction the Fake NLP trainer started to beat him up. After a complaint… Continue reading Participant got beaten up

Categorized as Victims

Almost killed

This lady suffered from alcoholism. The Fake NLP trainer hypnotized her to completely stop drinking from day one. He lacked the knowledge that this is actually dangerous as the body overcompensates to the musscle relaxation due to the alcohol. In the case of alcoholism, it is necesarry to stop drinking less slowly to give the… Continue reading Almost killed

Categorized as Victims

Added demons to her life

This lady hired a Fake NLP trainer to coach her one-on-one. She suffered from severe fears. During the hypnosis the Fake NLP trainer said that she did not suffer from fear, but that she was attacked by demons and that he got rid of the demons. Unfortunately, this failed completely as the lady afterwards suffered… Continue reading Added demons to her life

Categorized as Victims

Listen to my podcast instead of live coaching sessions

A lady with depression hired a Fake NLP trainer for one-on-one coaching. Rather than having actual coaching sessions, the Fake NLP trainer sent her irrelevant podcasts with Fake NLP for her to listen to. This approach failed completely.

Categorized as Victims