What is Fake NLP?

There are two criteria for something to be Fake NLP: It is not NLP. It is sold under the name “NLP”. Please note that if a NLP trainer makes an honest mistake that is of course fine. Everyone makes mistakes. Fake NLP differs from NLP because (a) it has nothing to do with NLP and… Continue reading What is Fake NLP?

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What is not NLP?

NLP is a method to map human behavior. As such any and all human behaviors can be turned into NLP. Within NLP this is called “eliciting a NLP strategy”. If the NLP strategy has not yet been elicited, then that behavior is not NLP. Furthermore, once you have turned behavior into a NLP strategy, it… Continue reading What is not NLP?

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Who gets to decide what NLP is?

NLP decides what NLP is. Fake NLP trainers think that they can get away with selling their Fake NLP as “NLP” because nobody can decide what NLP is. In reality there is complete unanimity among NLP trainers about what the core elements of NLP are. There is even unanimity on what these core elements of… Continue reading Who gets to decide what NLP is?

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Does Fake NLP harm?

Yes, Fake NLP does really harm people. About 1 in 1000 of the participants in Fake NLP training courses suffers severe harm.  Examples are: a man being beaten up, sexual abuse of a client or a participant ending up in a psychiatric hospital. One could say that 1 in 1000 is not that much. But… Continue reading Does Fake NLP harm?

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Is Fake NLP the cause of harm?

Fake NLP is not the cause of harm, because NLP denies the existence of causation. One of the core elements of NLP is the metamodel. Within the metamodel we have rules to prevent distortions of communication. One of these rules is to refrain from making cause and effect statements when communicating to clarify. As this… Continue reading Is Fake NLP the cause of harm?

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Sexual abuse & threats to children

This lady hired a Fake NLP trainer to coach her one-on-one. After using hypnosis in the last session, he started a sexual relation with the client almost immedeately. According to his statement, she wasn’t a client at that time, because the last session ended 10 second before the start of the sexual relation. According to… Continue reading Sexual abuse & threats to children

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